Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurrican Ike

So, my beloved city, Houston, was ravaged by Hurricane Ike over the weekend. Thankfully, my family and friends made it through safely. The city is in shambles as there is no electricity, streets are flooded, and more. H-Town will be alright though.

In a related note. I hate Chicago. I didn't like the city before, but now I hate it. My Houston Astros were the best team in baseball. We were gaining ground on both the division leading Cubs and the wild card leading Brewers. We had a series with the fucking Cubs coming this weekend.

Hurricane Ike hit and the major league baseball decided to move the game. For some reason, MLB decided that the games should be played at a neutral site. That neutral site being Milwaukee, 90 miles away from Chicago, essentially making it a Cubs home game.

In the midst of hurricane recovery, the Astros boarded a plane for Milwaukee Sunday morning and got in around 2pm that afternoon. Mind you, sports teams typically do not travel and play on the same day. Travelling takes a lot of energy. The Cubs and Astros played Sunday night and Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano no-hot the Houston Astros. This lost killed our moment and helped both the Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers, a team owned by MLB Commisioner Bud Selig.

So, you have an Astros team that just weatherd a Hurricane. After making sure their loved ones were ok, they boarded a last minute plane to Milwaukee and were no-hit. For the past few days, MLB, the Cubs, and the Astros went back and forth about where to play the game. MLB and Cubs wanted to play the game at a "neutral" site while the 'Stros wanted to play the games in Houston at a later date or at a site not as "neutral" as Milwaukee. They could have even played the games in Atlanta. Ultimately, the decision was up to MLB commissioner Bud Selig and he decided that the games would be played in Milwaukee. The really took a shit on the Houston Astros and the city of Houston.

To me, this is another Black eye on baseball. After the 94 strike and the steroids, they didn't need more bad press. But ya know, considering that the media loves Chicago, they'll likely overlook the situations leading up to the no-hitter. I really hope that karma comes back and bites the Cubs in the ass. H-Town will be ok though.

Damn MLB, Bud Selig, the Chicago Cubs, and the Milwaukee Brewers. I take this shit real serious. Unless i'm paid a million dollars, I will never ever live in the "Chicagoland" area. My heart will not let me.


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